
How to schedule WhatsApp messages on iPhone

iOS automation to schedule WhatsApp messages on iPhone

You can have your iPhone automatically send a WhatsApp message to anyone on a specific day and time. This can be particularly helpful for sending birthday wishes or just sending a message at a future designated time to your office coworker.

In this tutorial, we will share an easy way to schedule WhatsApp messages from your iPhone.

How to automatically enable Low Power Mode when your iPhone reaches a specific battery percentage

iPhone mockup showing Shortcuts app automation that enables Low Power Mode automatically at any set battery percentage

When your iPhone battery falls to 20%, you see a popup asking if you would like to turn on Low Power Mode. But what if you don't want to wait for it to reach that low before being asked to enable the power-saving mode?

Sure, you can manually switch on Low Power Mode anytime you like using one of these three methods. Or, you can automate this task and have your iPhone automatically enter Low Power Mode at the battery percentage of your choosing.

For example, if you want your iPhone to activate Low Power Mode when the battery falls below 40%, 50%, or any other level, you can easily do that.