Download the new iPod touch 6th generation wallpapers

iPhone 6 plus ipod touch 6th gen wallpaper

Ever since we posted our review of the 6th generation iPod touch, people have been asking me about the three new wallpapers that come included with the device. The new wallpapers are color-specific wallpaper for the new Gold, Blue, and Pink iPod touch 6th-gen units. In this post, we provide you with a link to download all three of the new wallpapers.

iPod 6 gen wallpaper

You can download all three of the wallpapers via this link.

Apple creates wallpaper to match the color of each iPod touch. So the pink iPod touch comes with the pink wallpaper pre-selected, the gold iPod touch with the gold wallpaper, and so on.

But just because these wallpapers come bundled with the iPod touch doesn’t mean you can’t rock them on your iPhone. As you can see from the photo above, I have the gold iPod touch wallpaper on my iPhone 6 Plus.

Which color is your favorite?