‘ASB’ Jailbreak Tweak Keeps the Battery on Your iPhone’s Lock Screen at All Times

ASB or Always Show Battery, is a jailbreak tweak that aims at targeting a specific demographic of jailbreakers.

You know who you are; you’re the same ones who ask me how each and every tweak that we review impacts battery life.

It never fails; no matter how small or insignificant the tweak is, I always have at least one person ask me how it impacts the lifespan of their battery.

This post is dedicated to you, battery watchmen. ASB is a jailbreak tweak made specifically with you in mind…


ASB is a simple tweak; it makes the battery on your iPhone’s lock screen always appear, regardless of whether or not your iPhone is plugged into a power source.

One problem that I noticed with the version of ASB that I reviewed was related to the battery icon located in your status bar.

Apparently, this tweak is actually fooling your iPhone into thinking it’s plugged into a power source. As a result, the status bar shows the “battery plugged in” display instead of your normal battery percentage.

Hopefully that small discrepancy can be ironed out in a future update.

Other than that, if you’re one of the aforementioned battery watchmen, it’s hard to go wrong with ASB. It’s a free Tweak on Cydia, and a part of the TweakWeek series of tweaks.

If you have a jailbroken iPhone and you decide to try it out, please share your thoughts on it in the comments section.