Gone Surfing!

Hey everyone, I wanted to write a quick post to let you know why the blog hasn’t been updated for quite a while. Me and my fiance are in Costa Rica for a couple weeks and the internet connection is very limited here. Today is actually the first time I found a reliable internet connection that can get me on Gmail in less than 10 minutes… Yeahh!!!

So, for those who care, we have started a blog called Traveling Puffins where we try to tell some of our travel stories. We’re in Costa Rica for the wedding of my friend Michael, but most importantly, we’re here for surfing!

The water is warm, the waves are good, and the beer is cold 😉

I really want to apologize for my lack of posting but I’m sure you understand the situation.

I checked my RSS feed reader and I have 774 articles in there I haven’t read yet… I’ll have some serious catch up to do when I get back…

Alright friends, time to go back.

Pura vida!